Giant Floor Map Education Program

For educators

Canadian Geographic Education ’s vibrant and colourful Giant Floor Maps are unlike any other educational resource in Canada. These maps offer students an opportunity to discover and explore the diverse aspects of geography in a unique and interactive way that accommodates various learning styles and is easy to integrate at all grade levels. The maps come with a French and English teacher’s guide and curriculum-based lesson plans (below) that were written by a team of Indigenous and ally teachers. The guide covers diverse subjects, such as treaties, from a two-eyed seeing perspective, aiming to challenge and educate learners about Great Lakes — intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Biinaagami Giant Floor Maps are shipped out, free of charge, to classrooms in the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence watershed. Each education kit includes the giant floor map and accompanying – teachers guide filled with lesson plans and activities. Kits are loaned to schools for a period of three weeks.

Email for more information.

How to get the map in your school

1.     Become a member of Can Geo Education — it only takes a minute

Become a member here.

Canadian Geographic Education provides learning resources to help improve students’ understanding of the world they live in. Geographically literate students are better prepared to face global challenges and have the skills necessary to become effective change agents. Use these resources to inspire curiosity and exploration in your classroom!

Benefits of joining include:

  • Monthly e-newsletters to keep you informed on new programs, highlighting resources and educator opportunities in your region and across the country. The team also sends out newsletters specifically about competition updates and Professional Development opportunities.

  • Fall teacher resource packages, which are jam packed with classroom activities, lesson plans, maps and more! These packages will arrive just in time for Geography Awareness Week in November.
  • Access to our resources. Only members of Can Geo Education can book our Giant Floor Maps and other travelling educator kits.

  • Updates on events we are running in your area. If Can Geo Education is in your community and hosting an event, we will communicate with our members to let them know how they can get involved.

  • Ability to apply for awards, grants and opportunities such as the Phyllis Arnold Subsidy, Teacher Institute initiatives, and research grants.
  • A 50 per cent discount off a one-year subscription to Canadian Geographic magazine.


2.     Book the map for your school

Map kits include paper copies of the teacher’s guide and student activity cards, paper copies of the map legend, ropes and pylons for lesson plan activities, and the Giant Floor Map in either Classroom Size (8m x 6m) or Gym Size (8m x 11m). Maps are booked for periods of 15 days.

Learn more about Canadian Geographic Education’s Giant Floor Map Program here.

Explore the watershed