Join us
Help build the network of people, organizations, businesses, First Nations and Tribes taking responsibility for a clean water future.
Are you working on a project or initiative in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region? Let us know! By joining Biinaagami, you signal that it’s important to invest in protecting the waters that surround and sustain us. You also have an opportunity to inspire others and showcase your story, project, organization or business. We will invite others to follow your work so that together we can transform local action into collective impact!
Great Lakes Community
Are you inspired to take action but don’t know where to begin? Join others! Countless organizations, groups and people are doing great work throughout this enormous watershed. Find out how you can get involved with a network of knowledgeable, passionate and experienced water leaders near you.
Swim Guide
Swim Guide was launched in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence watershed more than a decade ago to help address water quality concerns and answer your question: Is it safe to swim here? Swim Guide is now international yet continues to help people around the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence watershed connect to their local water and understand health risks associated with recreating in the water.