Wonderful winter waterfowl: How to identify 10 duck species in the Great Lakes region
2025-01-23T12:31:23-05:00Learn to identify some of the most common duck species that overwinter in the Great Lakes
Learn to identify some of the most common duck species that overwinter in the Great Lakes
Filmmaker Len Morissette on the new underwater docuseries taking viewers into a confluence between worlds
Looking for ways to connect with local lands and waters on dark and dreary winter days? Check out this list of five ways to celebrate the winter solstice and the winter season!
How mid-century diversions in the Great Lakes watershed still affect the communities on its shorelines
Our planet’s greatest freshwater ecosystem, like you’ve never seen it before
Plus: “Glyphosate kills all”
As part of today’s Earth Day commemorations, the Wisconsin Water Library at the University [...]
Plus: One person’s trash is another person’s treasure: Pennsylvania teacher finds golden learning opportunities collecting micro-plastics on a Lake Erie research vessel; All about algae: Blue-green algae proliferates in the Great Lakes region due to warming temperatures and nutrient loading.
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Reconnaissance des territoires
La Société géographique royale du Canada et Swim Drink Fish reconnaissent que notre travail sur Biinaagami se déroule sur les territoires non cédés de nombreuses Premières Nations et Tribus, les peuples originels qui entretiennent une relation avec les terres et les eaux du bassin versant des Grands Lacs - Saint-Laurent et en sont les gardiens depuis des temps immémoriaux.
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